1237Q-90NB0642-M03240 Asus 90NB0642-M03240 - X555LN-DM197H I7-4510U 2.0G 8G Intel Core i7-4510U (2GHz, 4MB Cache), 8GB DDR3, 1000GB HDD, Intel HD Graphics 4400 + NVIDIA GeForce 840M 2GB, WLAN 802.11 b/g, ...

Part Nnumber
90NB0642-M03240 - X555LN-DM197H I7-4510U 2.0G 8G Intel Core i7-4510U (2GHz, 4MB Cache), 8GB DDR3, 1000GB HDD, Intel HD Graphics 4400 + NVIDIA GeForce 840M 2GB, WLAN 802.11 b/g, ...
Basic price
853,22 EUR

The product with part number 1237Q-90NB0642-M03240 (90NB0642-M03240 - X555LN-DM197H I7-4510U 2.0G 8G Intel Core i7-4510U (2GHz, 4MB Cache), 8GB DDR3, 1000GB HDD, Intel HD Graphics 4400 + NVIDIA GeForce 840M 2GB, WLAN 802.11 b/g, ...) is from company Asus and distributed with basic unit price 853,22 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

X555LN-DM197H I7-4510U 2.0G 8G Intel Core i7-4510U (2GHz, 4MB Cache), 8GB DDR3, 1000GB HDD, Intel HD Graphics 4400 + NVIDIA GeForce 840M 2GB, WLAN 802.11 b/g, Gigabit Ethernet, Windows 8.1 Factory sealed box, with full manufacturers warranty.

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